Hire Gun Y-Wings
Y-Wings in Scum and Villainy seem to be almost solely used to carry around Twin Laser Turrets. An with the Unhinged Astromech making them very maneuverable, you can see why. However, in his list the Y-wings are going to be protecting Bossk's flanks. Because of this the Twin Laser Turret and Unhinged Astro combination would have been useless if the enemy got into range one of the somewhat predictable Yv-666. Instead, i took a look at an astromech iv never used before. The R4 Agromech.
This little guy synergies very well with the blaster turrets. The y-wings move, Focus. Spend that Focus to fire the blaster turret and the Agromech gives you a target lock for your shots. It's a nice combination and gives each Y-Wing a 360 turret that is throwing out 3 attack dice with a target lock every turn. The weakness of this is if the Y-wings cannot preform their actions, then both the turret and the Astromech are useless so i will have to make sure not to bump into Bossk and focus fire on enemies that can dish out Stress tokens.
Big bad Bossk in his Yv-666 is something to behold. As the only Yv pilot who can take an elite pilot talent Bossk can have a lot of very different builds. Making a static "space gun" build like i did with Moralo is viable for Bossk using a mangler cannon and Mercenary co pilot to get those crits in at range 3.
I prefer a more maneuverable build. Focusing on the Mangler Cannon and Marksmanship to get those crits in. Gunner also has nice synergy with Marskmanship as the ability is still making all focus results into crits or hits on the second attack. Though i don't have the points to make a fully optimized Bossk in this list the combination of Marksmanship, Gunner, Mangler Cannon and Bossk's pilot ability should push through some solid damage at any range. With wave 8 on the near horizon, let's take a look at what i would consider the fully optimized build for Bossk.
The main thing i'm looking forward to in wave 8 is the crew cards, both Boba Fett and 4-Lom make an appearance on board Bossk's ship in this build. My wave 8 build still focuses on the basic Mangler, Marksmanship Gunner. but has a few extras. Most notable is the Cluster Missiles.
This combination works similar to the build I used on N'dru in last weeks list. With Marksmanship all of your eye results becomes hits and the first becomes a crit. with guidance chips your first blank becomes a crit. After your damage is dealt 4-Lom lets you take one ion token (wich your large ship isn't too bothered about) to select one of your targets focus or evade tokens and make it unusable. This should cause some reliable damage. Then when the crits go through, you can use either Bossk's ability to make them multiple hits or use Boba Fett to eliminate one of your opponents upgrades. this build for Bossk comes in at a pretty expensive 53 points. Not bad for such a bulky ship with incredible firepower. If you think this is a little pricey you could always swap out 4-Lom for "Gonk" and stack some shields up before you begin to blast away.
My opponent's lists really surprised me last week and it will be interesting to see what Bossk comes against. I have my wave 8 all pre ordered and it's only a matter of time now until i have my hands on those delicious scum goodies. If you're interested in having any x-wing miniatures painted my commissions page is in the sidebar. I can paint anything from single ships to entire squadrons and my page has a large gallery of x-wing miniatures so please take a look. Thanks for reading. Until next time.
Goodbye and Fly Casual
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