Tuesday, 1 March 2016

EPISODE FIVE - N'dru and Company

Hi everyone this week we fly my favourite character in the scum faction N'dru Suhlak and looks like he brought some friends. Let's take a look at the list.

N'dru Suhlak

N'dru my boy. I've been avoiding using him in my lists for the league as i was waiting for wave 8 to release so i can give him some guidance chips. Since it looks like wave 8 is still a few weeks away, i felt like saying sod it and brought my favourite little scoundrel anyway. Fully upgraded N'dru comes in at a very cheap 25 points with an incredible alpha strike ability. N'dru's job is to line up his cluster missile then wreck any ship in his sights. Lets take a look at how he does this. First his pilot ability gives you one additional attack die if there are no friendly ships at range 1-2. This effects each of the two cluster missile shots, allowing him to throw out 8 attack dice in a turn. The problem with cluster missiles is they have great potential damage, but very little reliability after you spend your target lock to fire them. This is where Glitter Stim comes in. You swoop in, target lock the thing you want to die then activate your
glitterstims. now you have 8 attack dice and all focus results become hits. Of course you're still likely to roll a blank or two. And that's where lone wolf comes in. Already wanting to be off on his own N'dru benefits hugely from Lone wolf.  The first missed shot from each cluster missile can be re-rolled and if it becomes anything but another blank its a hit from the stims. The final piece of the puzzle (sadly missing here) is guidance chips. The chips allow you to turn a blank result into a hit when firing missiles. So 8 attack dice. All focus results become hits. Blank results can be re-rolled and one can become a hit for free. N'dru is a monster. I've managed to kill the millennium falcon in two turns with N'dru and a pare of Kihraxz before. He is a little tricky to fly as he is always off on his own, so has no one covering his back most of the time. And at a respectable, but not amazing Pilot Skill 7 N'dru can take a lot of fire from aces before he can get hit missiles flying. This isn't too bad though with Lonewolf and Glitterstims he has 2 defence dice re-rolling one blank per attack and all focus results become evades. And once his payload as been delivered he can fly around on his own essentially becoming an X-wing with lone wolf. Not bad for 25 points ey.

Mandalorian Mercenary
Flying along side N'dru (but keeping their distance) are a pair of Firespray. The firespray are probably my favourite ship in all of x-wing. In the tournaments I've been to I've always brought three basic firespray and they are always amazing. With one of the best dials the Firespray can be very unpredictable and tho its green maneuvers are limiting its only red moves are its k-turns. With 10 total hull and 2 agility the firespray can be tricky to deal with, not to mention that it's one of the only large ships with the Evade action.
Offensively the Firespray has a solid 3 attack, but its main strength comes from its auxiliary rear firing arc. This becomes great when jousting as you can simply overshoot your opponents ships and blast them from behind without needing to worry about getting stressed. In this list both of my Mandolorian Mercs are carrying a Tactician. The tactician is always a great crew, but on a firespray almost becomes twice as useful as it can still give out stress from that rear ark. This is one of the advantages an auxiliary firing ark has over a 360 firing ark as well as the fact that Autothrusters don't activate in auxiliary ark. I also gave one of the mercs Crackshot. the basic mandalorian merc having Pilot Skill 5 and an elite pilot talent allows you to really build them in a lot of different ways. Veteran instinct gives you a solid Ps7 for 1 point. Crackshot can push damage through to evasive targets and you could even use Push the limits and a cannon to make a slow moving death turret. The firespray really is the poster boy of scum and villainy and rightly deserved. I have never regretted bringing a Firespray.

with this list the plan is to set up the two firespray towards one of the table edges and N'dru towards the other. The firespray can take it easy trying to get into range 2 instead of zooming on in. once they have stacked some stress on the target N'dru can come on in and unleash his cluster missiles. The Tacticians will make my opponents moves more predictable and N'dru can cause that big hit. Once N'dru's target is taken out the Firespray should be able to Mop up what's left. Tacticians to your firespray its time to roll out.

I've heard people saying that Wave 8 is due to be released on the 17th of march so only two weeks away. If the rumors are true. I will hopefully be able to get a chance to talk about some of the new lists before the league is over. I really think wave 8 will make the scum faction complete. Largely because of the abundance of new crew cards. We will see. Hopefully sooner Than later. Either way i will try and do a Wave 8 special so i can talk about the new cards and some of the ways they can be used.
Thanks for reading. As always my commissions page is in the sidebar. Until next time

Goodbye and Fly Casual.

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