Masta Blasta
In this list we focus on a Y-wing with a Blaster Turret and the R4 Agromech. So what are the strengths and weaknesses of this build?
Movement: This Y-wings movements are limited and will be often using the 2 maneuvers on the dial. Because of the Agromech we are unable to take the Unhinged Astromech and have those great hard 3 turns as green. This build struggles to relieve stress a a lot having to use its 1-2 forwards to do so.
Offence: This is the y-wing build with the most potential damage, and its attacks are very reliable.
With 3 attack dice at 360 the Blaster turret is a formidable weapon. The R4 Agromech makes this all the stronger making sure you have a target lock every single time you fire the turret. The weakness of this is that the turret requires you have a focus to fire. Should your ship be unable to take action your turret is useless. You can get around this by taking a lower Pilot Skill y-wing and make sure none can move to bump you before you get that focus. As i said before, this ship struggles with re leaving stress. If you come up against an opponent who can stack stress onto your ship the chances are you won't be able to fire the blaster turret at all.
Defense: The best defensive tactic with this build is just to get into a position where your opponent can't shoot you. try to fly behind them and then stay at range 1-2. Use hard turns as opposed to K-turns as this will allow you to still fire the Blaster Turret while turning around. This list also has a spare 4 points to load up on bombs. The Ion bomb can make people more predictable so that your y-wings can get into position without enemy retribution. The seismic charge is just great for getting an auto hit on foes with auto thrusters.
BTL Auto
In this list the Y-wing forgoes its ability to shoot 360 and focuses on the shear weight of shots they can throw out. With the BTL-A4 title and an auto blaster turret Y-wings can become very deadly.
Movement: This build is just as restricted as the blaster turret on in terms of movement, as it has no astromechs at all. However the lack of mobility is a little more apparent in this list as the BTL-A4 title makes it so the ship can only fire in its front ark.
Offence: Offensively this build can be extremely high damage but really relies on getting into range one. once in range one the ship can use its primary attack of 3 dice and then a 2 attack dice with its Autoblaster turret. That's 5 attack dice in a turn, and the turrets hits can't be evaded. The downside of this is that out of range one you only have 2 attack dice. If your opponent has the ability to barrel roll or boost it wont be too difficult for them to stay out of range one. This list has a lot of potential but i feel it will take a lot more skill to fly.
Defense: This list doesn't have any defensive tricks other than its incredible amount of hull. 40 hull spread over 5 ships is very hard to take down, especially when you consider each ship is only giving up 20 points to your opponent upon death. Just make sure you can cause solid damage before your ships begin to go down.
TLT Spam
If you play this list your a bad person. But seriously. Twin Laser Turret really has changed the shape of the game. almost every new competitive list iv seen seems to incorporate the TLT in some way. Scum Y-wings are the apotheosis of TLT ships. With the Unhinged Astromech allowing the Y-wings to move more unpredictably, several of these things really can be an instant win against certain lists.
Movement: With the Unhinged Astromech the Y-wing counts all of its 3 maneuvers as green. This takes the ships hard 3 turns from red to green. The fact that its green doesn't make too much of a difference, but being able to repeatedly do a wide hard turn with a ship that never want to be at range one is very good. it forces your opponent to predict which way the Y-wing will turn. And if they get it wrong, prepare to be shot.....alot
Offence: The TLT is all about reliable damage. Yes each shot can only cause one hit a turn, but when there are four y-wings throwing out eight TLT shots a turn it almost becomes: pick a ship, deal eight damage. Flying a TLT spam list really can make the game easy mode and pilots with low agility ships really can't do much about it. However the TLT has one flaw. It can't fire at range 1. Because of this the counter to TLT is to gun it right at them and hope you didn't take 16+ damage on your way in.
Defence: With this list your opponent really wont have much choice other than to be very agressive. Because of this your greatest defensive tool is your maneuverability. Use those hard 3 turns to keep your opponent guessing. Even splitting your force if necessary. so long as they can stay within range 3 of each other you should be causing damage every single turn.
So this is the list im going to be flying this week. I really wanted to try out all of the different y-wings in a single list. And if i'm going to use all Y-wings, why not being the master of turrets him self, Kavil.
In this build Kavil has the Autoblaster Turret and Agromech. this allows him to throw out 4 attack dice a turn with a target lock. I also had a point spare so decided to give the BTL-A4 Y-Wing an unhinged astromech, just to make him a little more maneuverable. Looking at this list it seems to have a lot off threats that need to be dealt with, and I think my games will come down to who my opponent decides to try and kill first. Guess we will have to see how it goes Y-wings HO!
Next week i should have my grubby little mitts on Wave 8 so expect something new and shiny for next weeks blog. I recently did another poe commission this one complete with BB8. It was tricky to paint
something so tiny, but i think it worked out pretty well. My commissions page is in the sidebar if your interested please take a look. thanks for reading and until next time.
Goodbye and Fly Casual.
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