In game one i came up against a lothal rebel and the outrider. Knowing the pure damage output of my list i decided to take advantage of the Ghosts 0 agility and focus on killing it first. I placed the asteroids in a line down the far side of the table, giving me a nice jousting lane. My opponent set up on the opposite side of the lane. My ships surged forwards while Dengar barrel rolled in behind the Y-wings.
In game two i came up against an eerily familiar foe. Dash and the Ghost. But this time the Ghost was being piloted by chopper, and was built for bulk with both the Reinforced Deflectors and Chewbacca crew fixing up its damage. I set up in the exact same way as last time with the asteroids down the flank, and with hopes to joust the ghost. Once again Dengar barrel rolled in behind the Y-wings. The Outrider took more of a flanking position between my squad and the asteroid line. My Y-wings moved forwards and set up there shots. Then my opponent did a great move. That went very wrong. He revealed a 5 K-turn. With the intention of overlapping my Y-wings and not finishing the rotation. This would have made him unable to be shot at by either Y-wing and leaving him free to fire on Dengar. A great idea. But the K-turn didn't quite overlap and the ghost stood right in front of my fleet with no way of defending itself. I guess that's what you get when you let chopper fly. Blasters began to blaze. The Outrider took three shields off of a Y-wing and then they let loose on the Ghost. Even with the Ghosts Reinforced Deflectors i managed to push 12 damage through in a single round. But now i had a new problem. The giant space whale that is the ghost was right in front of my Y-wings and i needed to make a decision. Go 1 forwards and bump into it, leaving me vulnerable this turn but free to chase it in the next. Or fly over it and hope it doesn't bump me leaving me free to K-turn next round. I opted to fly over it and hope. The ghost preformed a 3 turn, re leaving its stress with the help of kanan, aboard the outrider. One of my Y-wings had a shot at least. Dash moved in to block off Dengar. And with some great barrel rolling managed to do so. Still the Y-wing blasted away the ghost and Dengar took the long range shots. One round later the ghost was gone. No it was my entire fleet against Dash, who was unscathed. My Y-wings Struggled to keep up with the Outrider and one of them was destroyed. Meanwhile Dengar skirted around a central asteroid, using barrel roll to keep the Outrider in range. My second Y-wing made its approach slowly, while Dengar funneled Dash into the far corner. When the time was right my Y-wing swept on in and Dengar burst in from behind. Dengar put the outrider onto 1 hull. The outrider fired back at dengar taking him below half health then Dengar managed to finish off the outrider with his revenge shot. Another victory to the Scum.
In game three i faced Boba and Kath. My biggest fear when facing them was that they both had a tactician crew. if they could stack stress onto one of my ships then no Agromech shenanigans for me.
range through asteroids. Kath saw what was happening and banked her way into the fray. But it was already largely over for Boba. Dengar K-turned to re position and better chase boba. And Boba K-turned so he could bring his Heavy Laser Cannon to bear onto the Jumpmaster. Luckily both were out of range. Meanwhile the Y-wings lined up on Kath. Dealing 6 damage in a single exchange. My Y-wings them moved to block the firespray but they had other ideas Boba flew right over one Y-wing headed for Dengar, and Kath did the same. Boba's cannon managed to put Dengar onto half health and then Dengars revenge shot managed to end the firespray. Still having not fired, Dengar turned his turrets onto Kath and took her to 2 hull. Kath couldn't resist a Y-wing at range 1 in rear ark and threw 5 attack dice. The Y-wing took 4 damage. Then the Dorsal turrets began to blaze, the Agromechs began to calculate and before long Kath was no more. Victory to Scum.
let me start by saying I LOVE THIS LIST!! I honestly don't think I would change a single thing. The Dorsal Y-wings were so punishing with the agromech making them really reliable. I don't think a Y-wing ever attacked and didn't cause damage. I much prefer this Y-wing build to the Autoblaster turret varient i took last week. For only 23 points, the Dorsal Y-wing is something i would seriously consider when building a scum list. It really does prove that Twin Laser Turrets aren't the only option. Dengar Preformed amazingly also. He does seem a little flimsy when Jousting so knowing when to try and fly over your targets and not worry about his ability might be useful. Push the Limit was an upgrade i
wasn't 100% sure on, but i ended up using barrel roll a lot. The ability to use the barrel roll and still have focus was a big reason i loved flying the jumpmaster. If you are going to take PTL on Dengar i'd suggest really planning out where your going to be moving in the next few turns as you want to stick to the left hand side of his dial. That white Sloop may seem tempting, but in order to come back the way you came you are on the right (and there for wrong) side of your dial. This list does rely heavily on being able to take focus. Against an enemy who can stack stress it may be in some trouble. That said when i flew against the dual firespray I managed to always be at range 1 or 3 so the tactician never mattered. Against a Stress hog i could see this having a little trouble, but the Dorsal Y-wings could easily kill it in a single round of shooting if they can get into range 1.
With the league coming to a close, im sad to say i won't be able to attend the final due to other commitments (DAMN YOU REALITY!) next week im going to be breaking the format and give a general review of scum in wave 8 now that people have had some time to digest there ideas. Over the last 8 weeks this blog has manged to get over 10,000 views. This number astonishing and I never could have imagined the blog would be so well received. Thank you all for your time and i hope you have enjoyed the experience. Id also like to give a shout out to Netherworld. The local store where this league has been held. Its hard for a small store to justify the costs of running a league and im very glad that they have and hope for more X-wing events to come. Please go check out there store if your ever around the north west. and ill levee a link to there Facebook page Here. For more pictures of my work or to contact me for commissions, a link to my Facebook group is in the sidebar. Thanks for reading and until next time.
Goodbye and Fly Casual.