Wednesday, 24 February 2016


Hi Everyone. This week i'm playing the list that got me playing Scum in the first place. 5 Kihraxz Fighters AKA the Special K.

Cartel Marauder. 
Theres not a whole lot to talk about with this list as its just five of a simple solid fighter. So instead lets take a closer look at the Kihraxz and talk about its strengths and weaknesses. The Kihraxz is a
formidable ship and is clearly designed to be the scum equivalent of an X-Wing, So lets compare the Khiraxz with its Rebel rival.

STATS: The only difference between the two fighters stats is the Kihraxz looses one shield and gains one hull. Generally a shield is better than an additional hull as it can absorb a critical hit so perhaps the X-wing has a slight advantage over the Kihraxz when it comes to stats but barely.
POINTS: For one point less than a Rookie X-wing pilot the Cartel Marauder matches his rivals Pilot skill of two. Nothing to brag about but at least they're evenly matched. This single less point makes little difference other than it allows you to perfectly fit five Kihraxz in one list. in value for its points the Kihraxz  comes out on top.

UPGRADES: The Kihraxz has the illicit and missle upgrade where as the X-wing has an astromech and torpedo. in my opinion missles are better than torpedoes, as all torpedoes need to spend a target lock. But at the same time id say an astromech is better than most illicit upgrades so they're quite even in upgrade potential. However there is one advantage the X-wing has over the Khiraxz and that's the Integrated Astromech upgrade. This free modification allows the X-wing to remove his astromech to negate any one hit. Essentially being an extra shield. The Khiraxz sadly has no equivalent to this so the X-wing comes out on top in Upgrades.

DIALS: The Kihraxz is a more nimble fighter than the X-wing with a very nice 1 turn and the interesting 5 K-turn. The X-wing has the ever useful 1 forwards as well as the 3 turn but its green maneuvers are limited to it going very slowly where as the Kihraxz can relieve stress with its 2 maneuvers. Clearly very similar but i think the Kihraxz comes out on top of the X-wing when it comes to the dial, Largely because of that hard 1 turn. 

PILOTS: When it comes to named pilots the X-wing dominates the Kihraxz. Mostly because of the sheer number of named X-Wing pilots available. There are two named Kihraxz fighters and they're both abit mediocre. Graz the Hunter allows you to roll an additional defense die if whoever is shooting you is in your firing ark and with a pilot skill of 6 Graz could be an interesting pilot. However Graz looses the elite pilot talent available to the Black Sun Ace which i feel really takes away his potential to be awsome. One man who is brimming with awsome (in his name at least) is Talon Bane Cobra. What a name! Talon Bane's ability doubles  his range bonuses giving him 2 extra attack dice at range one and two extra defense dice at range two. on top of this he comes with an astonishing pilot skill of 9. Almost
unheard of in the Scum faction and he gets to keep the Elite pilot talent. for 8 points more than the basic Kihraxz fighter an additional seven pilot skill a decent pilot ability and an elite pilot talent isn't bad. However my favorite of the Kihraxz Pilots are the Black Sun Ace. For 3 points more that the cartel marauder the Ace's go to Pilot Skill 5 as well as gain the Elite Pilot Talent. The Pilot Talent has a lot of potential given the amount of cheap quality upgrades there are. for 1 point take veteran instincts and have everyone be Pilot Skill 7 or take Crack shot and scare the hell out of TIE Interceptors. All of that said id say the X-wing still takes the victory on best pilots.

With the X-wing getting a boost from the Intergrated astromech card id like to see the Kihraxz get a
Vaksai Title card. The Vaksai was an upgrade to the standard Kihraxz. Desighned to be have more powerful engines, Better shielding and carry a heavier payload, the Vaksai was the pinacle of the Kihraxz starfighter. In game i imagine the title to be around 2 points and allow the Vaksai to turn one roll of an Eye into a hit when attacking at range 1-2 . This would represent the sheer amount of weaponry the Vaksai can carry and make the Kihraxz more offensive which would be a nice contrast to how the X-wing becomes more defensive. 

Tactically this list is just to be flown as a squadron. No special tricks just pumps out 15 red dice a turn. Abit of a different format this week but hope you all enjoyed it just the same. My Commissions page is in the side bar or those interested in seeing more X-wing paint jobs or looking to have some work done. Im looking forward to lying this list as iv yet to field all five off my Kihraxz at once. Ill be back soon with news on how they preformed and until then.

Good bye and Fly Casual

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