for the first game my fearsome squad of Kihraxz fighters headed off against a heavily armed imperial
attack force. Krassis Trelix, Backstabber and a TIE Punisher from Cutlass squadron. My Kihraxz set up on the right flank hoping to use a line of asteroids to cover their approach. With the Punisher in our sights the Kihraxz surged forward as fast they could. The Punisher met my engagement and locked its cluster missles on my squad, Krassis turned to avoid the screen of asteroids while backstabber put pedal to the metal trying to get into flanking pposition The Punisher was a sitting duck. 15 attack dice with focus later and there wasn't a Punisher. But now both backstabber and Krassis were getting behind my fleet. That nice 5 K-turn got me clear of the asteroid line, but backstabber and the firespray were a little out my sights. A few stray shots yielded little results as krassis heavy laser cannons fired back into my squad. not wanting to risk being boxed in by the asteroids my entire fleet kept its stress and preformed a hard 1 turn facing directly at backstabber. the TIE fighter collided with the front of my squad but with 3 range 1 Kihraxz thats one
dead Backstabber. Meanwhile Krassis manages to destroy one of my ships. Only Krassis was left but i had no way of getting him into ark and every one of my ships was stressed. my fleet turned on the retrothrusters slowing down to relieve there stress and to collectively target lock the firespray which flipped behind my position. The furthest back of my ships took a heavy hit being reduced to one hull by Krassis' gunner co-pilot. Relying once again on that 5 K-turn my fleet quickly flipped around and had the firespray in there sights. The heavy laser cannon blazed away at the injured Kihraxz but he was determined to dodge every shot even from the enemy gunner. My Kihraxz return fire relying on there target locks. Solid hits. And that's one dead Firespray. Victory to the Kihraxz!
in game two my Kihraxz came up against nothing....we were just flying through space with malicious whimsy when all of a sudden "HOLY HANSOLO, THREE PHANTOMS!" This was going to be a tough match but i set up my squad and planned to try and focus down the phantoms one at a time.
luckily they set up quite far apart. I gunned it. moving as quickly as i could upto the closest phantom. cloaked or not attack dice are more reliable than defence dice. my squad sweeps inbetween two asteroids and gets the first phantom in there sights. one of my Khiraxz takes a hard hit but survives. we return fire and my opponents evade rolls run out of luck pretty quickly and thats one phantom down. Only problem was the other two phantoms have managed to pincer me in and i don't seem to be able to move into a good firing position on either. I take a big risk deciding to K turn my entire fleet. A bad decision. one of the phantoms Decloaks and blocks my move and then they manage to get out of ark of every one of my ships.
Enemy blasters fire over and over again while my Khiraxz struggle to stay together and barely get in a few shots on the phantoms until all that's left is my squad leader fleeing desperately. One turn later. Dead. A victory to the Phantoms.
Halfway through the league now and iv had a lot of fun so far. I have so many lists i am dying to try with some of the cards due to be released in wave 8 including what i hope to be my new tournament list (hopefully more on that later) and with rumors that wave 8 is due to be released mid March i should be able to try a few of these lists before the league comes to a close. As always my commissions page is in the sidebar please check it out. And ill see you all soon with my next list.
Goodbye and fly Casual